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12 september 2024

Read our 2023 mission report

Expanscience 2023 Mission report Cover
Ambitious goals achieved & big steps taken in 2023 to reinforce our mission to help individuals shape their well-being


We have been a mission-driven company since 2021 and our impACT roadmap is our path to becoming a company with a positive impact and regenerative purpose.

Thanks to each and every one of our employees, we act in order to play a role in the transition of society and to reconcile well-being with respect for planetary boundaries.

Here are some of the things we were proud of in 2023 for each of our mission-driven company goals:

➡️ Designing products and services that are useful to well-being, eco-socio-designed and increasingly inspired by nature and living things:

  • 96% ingredients of natural origin in all our Mustela ranges (versus 95% in 2022)
  • Applying our eco-social-design approach for the in-house development of our Iana topical products
  • Launching Epionine Bio, our cosmetic active ingredient that acts on overall well-being, both of the skin and the mind

➡️ Contributing to reaching planetary climate goals and to protecting and regenerating biodiversity:

  • Gaining the approval of the SBTi body for our carbon reduction trajectory to contribute to global carbon neutrality
  • Reduction in our carbon footprint in absolute terms by 6% (scopes 1,2,3 vs 2022)
  • Carrying out our first biodiversity footprint

➡️ Helping our employees to take an active part in their personal fulfillment and construct with them a more inclusive and supportive company:

  • 100% of our subsidiaries have Great Place to Work certification
  • More than 75% of our employees around the world have the opportunity to devote part of their working time to NGOs that work toward health, the environment and support for the most vulnerable

➡️ Mobilize our communities and ecosystem to build together business models with a positive impact on society, individuals and their environment:

  • Launching the Pharma Recharge consortium in pharmacies in "coopetition" with 4 Dermo-Cosmetics groups
  • 100% of our strategic suppliers worldwide (for France & Corporate purchases) evaluated on EcoVadis (compared to 93% in 2022)
  • Launching the impACT Lab that supports our transition toward a regenerative company and experiments new offers and models


Find all our indicators as well as the conclusion and recommendations of our Mission Committee in our 2023 mission report

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